Great Depression


If recent news were to be believed, we’re in for some very dire times.

Since World War II, says the news, the present economic situation in America has been the worst. If things won’t do well for the coming days, we’re heading for a recession, if not Great Depression.

I was born in the year 1983, and although the last Great Depression was seen and felt in the years 1930 to 1939, the information I read from novels, books, movies, and Internet that tackle Great Depression is reason enough to scare the hell out of me.

Poverty scares me shitless. So is hunger, unemployment, hopelessness, and helplessness. The knowledge that perhaps on the coming months jobs are scarce, prices are high, and political instability is something you have to deal with every waking moment worries me. Because there’s nothing funny about poverty albeit Filipinos are known to be cherry in spite of living in a hellhole.

And certainly there’s nothing great about waking up every morning, wondering what to eat come breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or if should you be having lunch at all.

I know. I’ve been acting like a worry-wart. You have to understand, I’ve been to a similar hellhole in the past and going back is something I couldn’t forgive myself should it ever happen.


There’s another Great Depression that happens around us. It happens when real friends are scarce, future is bleak, personal and family life is in turmoil.

But this, I’m afraid, is another story best to be told for another post.

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